This is a conversation I had with one of my oil users. I think this can be a benefit to all
Hi Terry,
I really like reading about these different oils. My brother just came home last nite and he has had gout for about a week now. I noticed that the defense oil is suppose to help that. Do you have any of that on hand? if so how much & how does he use it? I also like the fact that you can use it as a hand sanitizer. as well as part of a bacterial & liver cleanse. I may be interested in doing those as well, but I would consult you before I do that.
Defense oil* is one of my favorite oil blends since its introduction this past fall. I use one drop daily as a maintenance and to protect me from the colds and flus that go around. I am the only one in my family that has not gotten sick this winter with that nasty flu that is going around. As far as a hand sanitizer put Defense in your soft soap dispenser (about 10-15 drops) and it is better that any anti-bacterial soap. I carry peppermint and lemon in my purse at all times. When I go into (or shortly after) the grocery store I rub it on my hands and breathe it in. This kills the germs I get from the cart and any airborne bacteria that I breathe in. I also do this if I am flying sometimes substituting it for orange. I rub it on just before entering the plane because of the close contact with people in such a small place . You could use Defense in any of these applications as well. Don't be to paranoid though. If you are using your oils your immune system will be up and that will protect you as well.
The Bacterial liver cleanse is great to do every so often. It is basically the liver cleanse on steroids and Dana would say.
Only do this if you have been on the regular liver cleanse for at least 30 days
(It will be to hard on you if you don't)
Super Liver Cleanse
2-4 T of fresh squeeze lemon juice
2-4 T pure maple syrup* ( can substitute honey or molasses)*high in B vitamins.
3-5 drops lemon oil
3-5 drops peppermint oil
20 oz of water
dash of cayenne pepper
Sip throughout the day or drink it all at once
do this for 30 days.
For the Bacterial cleanse take 1 drop of Defense internally 3X a day along with the super liver cleanse
Just a side note about the Super Liver cleanse-- Dana told us in the last boot camp that it would get rid of astigmatism.
I decided to try because I have it in my left eye. I took it sporadically over the year but always did the normal liver cleanse faithfully.I just got my eyes checked last week . The astigmatism's is gone. I asked that optometrist if that was normal? He said, " not really." I didn't say any thing about the cleanse but I sure will pass it on.
*Defense is an oil blend from Be Young essential oils
Always use good quality oils. If you want to learn more or order some oils contact me. terrycmoss@centurytel.net